Asset managers
Retirement plans are usually based around funds from major asset managers like Vanguard, BlackRock, and Fidelity. We analyze these managers' funds to measure their investments in sustainability risk sectors. Choose an asset manager below to see how their funds are rated on fossil fuels. We also have data on asset managers for deforestation, as well as social issues like gender equality, civilian firearms, the prison industrial complex, arms manufacturers and military contractors, and tobacco.
Brown Capital Management
3 funds analyzed
1% fossil fuel exposure
$19 MILLION in fossil fuel stocks
CastleArk Management LLC
1 funds analyzed
5% fossil fuel exposure
$17 MILLION in fossil fuel stocks
OneAscent Investment ETF
4 funds analyzed
6% fossil fuel exposure
$22 MILLION in fossil fuel stocks
RWC Asset Management LLP
1 funds analyzed
8% fossil fuel exposure
$21 MILLION in fossil fuel stocks