401(k)s and similar retirement plans
We've rated 50+ employer-offered retirement plans for investments in fossil fuels, deforestation, weapons, private prisons, and more.
How are these companies chosen?
We think every retirement plan should be rated on sustainability. Our goal is to expand this database to cover the S&P 500. We've started with major companies that most people will recognize, covering hundreds of thousands of participants and billions in assets. But the sustainability issues with their retirement plans are not unique to these companies. Check back regularly to see if your employer has been added to our database.
Want us to rate the retirement plan of your employer? Get in touch with us
We offer sustainable investment tools that highlight issues dealing with climate change, gender equality and more
Invest Your Values is funded by contributions to As You Sow, a non-profit 501(c)3.
Invest Your Values is a project by As You Sow, a 501(c)3 nonprofit empowering shareholders to change corporations for good
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Disclaimer: As You Sow is not an investment adviser
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